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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Rolling Along...

“I know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death. They continue to participate in every act, thought and decision we make. Their love leaves an indelible imprint in our memories. We find comfort in knowing that our lives have been enriched by having shared their love.”  ~Leo Buscaglia

“The greatest tragedy in mankind's entire history may be the hijacking of morality by religion.”
                                                            ~ Arthur C. Clarke

  9-11-01 Video Tribute

I’ve spent today in quiet reflection and meditation.  It began much like it did on that day 12 years ago when I woke at 6:00 a.m. — I had an appointment this morning to get ready for, but even that hour was early for me.  I guess subconsciously, it was all there in the heart and mind, needing to be recalled.
I took my puppies out for an early morning walk, and couldn’t help but notice that today’s morning was much like THAT day’s morning — cool and clear with the hint of autumn in the air.  It came back to me as we walked – all of it, with a crystal clear clarity that tends to occur with life-changing events like that.
I heard children talking and laughing as they walked down the street to the bus stop and found the sounds of normalcy both odd and comforting on this particular morning.  Once inside, I went and meditated before I took my shower and made my tea.  I let the hot water beat on my back and neck as the images of September 11th, 2001 came flooding back.  For those who lived through that horrible day, those images never go away, and if you close your eyes and think about it long enough, they materialize as quickly as the nightmare seemed to unfold.  So much has happened in the 12 years since that terrible morning, yet it still feels like just yesterday that it happened.  It’s surreal. Still.
I remember every moment of that morning, and I knew that everyone else remembered it too.  Those who lived through that day, all have a story.  Some are more tragic and sad than others, but we all suffered and lost on that pre-autumn day a dozen years ago.   I went to the computer to post my remembrances on both Facebook and Twitter, and to read others’ posts too.  It was a way to be connected in the echos of that grief, and each of you know that it lingers.  It always will.
Today was our national day of mourning, when we collectively paused to honor those who we lost to such a senseless show of brutal cowardice.  I’m surprised by how much it still overwhelms, yet it does.   I’m saddened that our world still cannot seem to bridge the divide of humanity around ourselves and simply love one another.  I do not understand why it is such a hard task for some to do?  I guess I will never understand given the choice of love and peace versus hate and agitation, how people can truly want to stand on the side of hatred and derisiveness?  But, I’m a love and only love kind of woman....I’m a give peace a chance kind of girl!  Yeah.....all you need is love!  Trust is ALL you need to make this world a better place!  Well, that and maybe reaching out to touch somebody’s hand.
Today, as we remember September 11, 2001 —  those we lost and the lessons we garnered from that tragedy, I pray for world peace too.  We are STILL in desperate need of it.   It is the key to happiness, and the answer to these problems that seem to divide us.  Peace.  Peace.  I wish the whole world would say it together in unison and feel the soothing energy that flows from it.
We’re rolling along, Todd Beamer!  I hope you can see that we’re rolling along!  Some days are better than others, but we DO keep trying.  I have faith that we’ll get it right in the end, because good always triumphs over evil.  I was raised to believe that, and I hold to it, especially today.  So, I’m going to go and listen to some comforting music and Paul Harvey’s Open Letter from God, which is so awesome in its truth regarding “this whole enchilada” ... Man, did he hit the nail on the head in terms of putting it ALL into perspective!  I wish that EVERYONE would listen to that message of his and have their hearts and minds opened up to the pure thought that through-by-in love, light and peace, these are the only ways, means and manners to live this life we have been given.
“Oh, Jhill!” some of you are saying in that tone, waving your hand at me in disbelief, like I’m living in a fairy tale.  “Get real!”
Well, I do like fairy tales.  I’ve copped to that.  And, I believe in them too.  Not all of them, but some....
And, I am being real when I think and believe that peace is possible and love it the answer to every situation — both big and small! Things flourish when loved, and die when deprived of it.  I didn’t make that up.
On this day of remembrance, I’ll also keep hoping for ALL good things for everyone: praying for peace, dreaming of a world where people simply love and support each other without regard for anything beyond the simple truth that we are all human beings on our own journey.  Be kind.  Play nice with each other.  We are ALL struggling with something, each one of us.  Be gentle with one another.  Leave the world a better place.  Can we all just get along and love one another?  These aren’t hard concepts.  They’re really very simple ideas.  Elementary.  These are the first things that we teach our children.  How do we lose that message as we get older?  Do we need to go back and write these things down 100 times in a spiral notebook again to remind ourselves of what is truly important?   I’m in...
You may believe that I’m being unrealistic in thinking that we can accomplish these things, if we’d all just try a little harder.  I’m not.  I’m grounded in reality. I think it’s doable.
What a lovely way to honor those who died on this day than to re-dedicate ourselves to loving our fellow brothers and sisters the way Todd Beamer and the other passengers on Flight 93 did, when they downed their aircraft in that field in Pennsylvania to make certain that evil did not triumph in that particular instance, on that particular morning.  Think about that for a minute and remember this:  “Greater love has no one than this: than to lay down one's life for his friends....”  Boy, they passed that test!  I don’t think it’s too much to ask to spread a little love around in return....indefinitely....
As Peacemaker Anwar Sadat said, “You’re NOT a realist unless you believe in miracles.”
I guess you know what that makes me. ;-)
And, on we roll...

  Reach Out & Touch Someone’s Hand~Diana Ross
  From A Distance~Bette Midler
 An Open Letter From God~Paul Harvey

In the words of Paul Harvey, “Good Day...”

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